Depression Treatment

depression treatment tailored to your needs

An estimated 8% of adults in the U.S. have suffered a major depressive episode. This common mental health condition, which causes a loss of interest in everyday life, can impact anyone at any time. An abrupt change in behavior can cause strain on relationships, while also hindering progress both personally and professionally. Because of the litany of challenges modern day adults face, depression can easily cause a snowball effect of related issues. To make matters worse, many people suffering from depression don’t even realize. No one should have to navigate around depression alone, and everyone who seeks depression treatment should work with a therapist who’s dedicated to meeting their unique needs. We’d be delighted to meet you and discuss how we can help; click below to schedule a time!

what is your approach to depression treatment?

We take an empathetic, judgement-free approach to working with our clients. We feel the only way to help is to truly understand their perspectives and what an ideal outcome would entail. After an initial consultation, we create unique care plans for our clients, often combining elements from modalities like Polyvagal Therapy, IFS, CBT and Mindfulness, to name a few. Typically, we create these plans with the goal of honing nervous system regulation, unpacking negative self-belief and building self-esteem. Treatment can range from a few months to years, depending on many factors.

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”

Robert Frost

Poet & Author

take control of your life

A key challenge of depression is the inability to envision a future free of depression. We strive to help our clients understand they have the power to take control of their lives and create a bright future for themselves. In order to maintain lasting results, we equip everyone we treat with skills to maintain results, and make ourselves available when additional meetings are necessary. Because the ideal client-therapist dynamic is essential to overcoming this illness, we offer free consultations to anyone seeking depression treatment in Austin or anywhere else in Texas. Click below to schedule yours today!

Do you have a depression therapist near me?

While most of our clients reside in Austin and Central Texas, we offer online sessions to clients anywhere in Texas. We offer free consultations to determine whether we are a mutual fit, so reach out if you or a loved on is seeking depression treatment!

What is your approach to treatment?

We create custom care plans for each client, blending a variety of techniques like IFS, CBT, Mindfulness and Polyvagal Therapy, to name a few. This holistic approach allows us to tailor sessions to our clients’ unique needs and goals for therapy.

how long does it take to see results?

Therapy for depression can last anywhere from a few months to years, depending on numerous factors. This commonly includes the severity of the illness, family/support system context, the desire to see improvement and compliance with treatment.

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